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Goda nyheter för alla medborgare och utlänningar i Sverige, och breaking news för alla…
Den svenska regeringen har officiellt meddelat goda nyheter för alla arbetare, invånare och medborgare utomlands som äger en personbil och ett körkort och förväntar sig att bilarnas egenskaper i Sverige kommer att förändras.
Detta kan…
Dobra novica za vse državljane in tujce na Hrvaškem in udarna novica za vse imetnike vozniškega…
Vlada RH službeno je objavila radosnu vijest za sve radnike, stanovnike i građane u inozemstvu koji posjeduju osobni automobil i vozačku dozvolu te očekuje da će se karakteristike automobila u Hrvatskoj promijeniti.
To bi se moglo…
Nova Vladina odluka o benzinu i dizelu u Hrvatskoj dobra je vijest za sve građane i važna vijest
Federalni javni servis priopćio je da će od srijede na hrvatskim crpilištima biti smanjene maksimalne cijene dizela, što će vozačima ojačati ravnotežu i olakšati financijski teret.
Najviša cijena dizela B7 iznosit će 1,7840 eura po…
Bahamas Celebration cruise ship runs aground: ‘No danger of it sinking
SEVEN hundred passengers and crew members were evacuated from the Bahamas Celebration after the cruise ship ran aground outside Freeport Harbour on Friday night.
#Salvage crews have spent the day assessing the damage caused by “a small…
Great and happy news! The New Zealand government announces a big surprise to all citizens
According to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office (KSH), average fuel prices in New Zealand were about 6 New Zealand cents lower than neighboring countries during the week.
Vilaggazdaság It is reported that according to…
Great and happy news! The Australian government announces a big surprise to all citizens
According to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office (KSH), average fuel prices in Australia were around 6 Australian cents lower than in neighboring countries during the week.
Vilaggazdaság It is reported that according to…
Una nueva decisión del gobierno respecto a las gasolinas y el diésel en Colombia es una buena…
A partir del miércoles las estaciones de bombeo de Colombia verán una disminución en los precios máximos del diésel, lo que fortalecerá el equilibrio de los conductores y aliviará la carga financiera, anunció el Servicio Público…
En ny regeringsbeslutning vedrørende benzin og diesel i Danmark er godt nyt for alle borgere og…
Forbundsstyrelsen meddelte, at pumpestationerne i Danmark fra onsdag vil se et fald i de maksimale dieselpriser, hvilket vil styrke bilisternes balance og lette den økonomiske byrde.
Maksimalprisen for diesel B7 bliver 1,7840…
Una nueva decisión gubernamental respecto a gasolinas y diésel en Chile es una buena noticia para…
Los Servicios Públicos Federales anunciaron que a partir del miércoles las estaciones de bombeo de Chile verán una disminución en los precios máximos del diésel, lo que fortalecerá el equilibrio de los conductores y aliviará la…
Ein neuer Regierungsentscheid bezüglich Benzin und Diesel in der Schweiz ist eine gute Nachricht für…
Ab Mittwoch wird es in Pumpstationen in der Schweiz zu einer Senkung der maximalen Dieselpreise kommen, was die Balance der Autofahrer stärken und die finanzielle Belastung verringern wird, teilte der Föderale Öffentliche Dienst…